Do you know
the gaensenhauen?
It namely, the cutting a neck of goose festival![gans means goose. Abhauet means cutting a neck] When I knew about this festival I was socked, but I am a little interested in it. It is held
on November 11 in
Surees town of Switzerland. This festival had disappeared one
in the year 1820, but it has begun again in
the year 1863. People have been using a red robe and a mask of sun in festival since
the year 1880,but they had used a hat before. People who want to take part in the festival go to a town office and apply. There are 30-50 peoples including women apply to take part in it. That day applicants draw lots for turns. They drink a cup of red wine and being blindfold, and then wear a robe and mask to act executioners. When your turn come around, you try to cut a neck of goose has been died by being hung by a dull saber. Most people cannot cut it because they are blindfold. When you success to cut it, you can take it out.

There is also event for children. A pole which is about
15 meter and
20 diameter stand next to stage of cutting neck. There are presents on top of the pole. Children clime up the pole and get a present. Of course, there are some children cannot clime up. It has begun
since the year 1980.Children who have lanterns are made of turnip like
parade with music in the town late in evening. After the parade, children who took part in the parade are invited to the dinner.
There are many stands of food in the festival. Such as stands sells goose’s bakeries and goose’s cakes and so on. Application
deadline date of participation is November 9.How about join the festival?
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