I recommend the Detroit Metal City. This movie comes from the comic which is produced by Wakasugi since2005s. The title originates from Detroit Rock City of “kiss”. The comic has a large following. There are many TV personalities who are fan of it too. For example, Nagasawa Masami, Kimura Kaera, B`z and so on. It has the hightest ranking in Amazon.com which is big mail order site. You can find many coarse words when you read it. It is sold in Hong Kong too. Hong Kong limits to sell it for saving children. This is reason that most people are addicted on the comic, a few people hate it.
The main actor is Kenich Matuyama who plays the part of the man who is wishful for a pop musician. He is a famous actor for his brilliant acting.

"this kiss is raspberry taste because you ate a piece of cake just now’’ Main character tried to be musician by this song, Raspberry kiss. But he have to be guitar vocal of death metal band because he made a mistake the music office he belong to. This band’s name is DMC. It gains high popularity among young people. But he is not happy because he does not like this kind of music. It is funny that he hates his song himself.
Thought,I have not read the comic. I enjoined watching the movie. Some CDs which is used in movie is sold now. you can enjoy not only watching but also listening to CDs. The movie is on now. If you have a free time, please go to see the Detroit Metal City!!
1 件のコメント:
I watched DMC too. This movie was so interesting! I thisk I want to see this again. If you have time, let's go to watch movies.