How did you devise when you make your blog?
A, interesting title
Nice pictures
Seize of words
Changing word’s color
What is the most difficult thing?
A, thinking to make a interesting blog
searching for interesting information.
2 people …Translation.
searching for a useful web site.
How do you feel when you get comments.
A, 4 people…feel happy!
want to make use of it next blog.
What is the highlight in your blog
A, a lot of information
2 people…interesting pictures
nice design
long text
How often did you search information in English?
A, 3 people…often
1 people…always
1 people…never
Whey did you chose your blog’s name?
A, 2 people… no reason
3 people…chose name from interesting thing
What topic did you enjoy when you write it?
A, 3people… movie [ because :being interesting in movie]
2 people…New Zealand [because; want to go to New Zealand]
What topic did you feel difficult when you write it?
A, 2 people… festival [because; it is difficult to search information about history]
2 people…movie [because: it is hard to translate movie’s outline into easy English]
New Zealand [because; I did not know about New Zealand]
My opinion
I feel happy, because many people feel enjoy making a blog. it is good oprtunity for us to make a blog in English, because we can improve my English skill and get a lot of useful information. I am very happy, because most people search information by using English web site. I think it is good, so we have to continue to search information by using English web site.
Other class
I introduce three good blog to you in other class
1st Check it oooooooout! This blog is colorful and design is so cute. Big and colored words help me to understand so easy. This blog connect to a lot of websites. I enjoyed those interesting websites.
2nd Mickey & Minnie This blog is so many pictures. I got a lot of information from those interesting pictures. Moreover, there are many good links. I can study more. In addition she wrote a lot of articles. I can know a lot of things.
3rd Babygirl★ This blog have a lot of good information and details, and so cute. I like this design, because I can understand easy.
Good Blogs
I am choosing the best interesting blog. It is very difficult to decide because everyone wrought very good blog. I think all blogs have a lot of good information.
1st is this Satomi’s blog. This blog have a lot of interesting information and bright colors. I can understand those articles very easy thanks to these colors.
2nd is Chisaki’s blog. This blog have a lot of beautiful pictures, especially New Zealand’s pictures are so great. I want to go to New Zealand and see that great scenery.
3rd is Chiaki’s blog. This blog is so long. I can get a lot of information from this blog. The blog of movie interested me in that movie. I want to watch it.
1st is this Satomi’s blog. This blog have a lot of interesting information and bright colors. I can understand those articles very easy thanks to these colors.
2nd is Chisaki’s blog. This blog have a lot of beautiful pictures, especially New Zealand’s pictures are so great. I want to go to New Zealand and see that great scenery.
3rd is Chiaki’s blog. This blog is so long. I can get a lot of information from this blog. The blog of movie interested me in that movie. I want to watch it.
Dairy Produce
Dairy produce is one of New Zealand’s most important exports. New Zealand is number one country exports dairy product in the world. You can buy it for cheaper praises in New Zealand than in Japan.
New Zealand is number five country exports cheeses in the world. New Zealand has more than 30 companies make only cheese, and they export it to hotels or airports. They have more than 200 kinds of cheese. How many cheeses’s name can you say? Cheddar, Camembert, Edam, blue cheese … so many kinds!
Ice cream is famous, too. You can certainly see shops or stands sell various kinds of ice creams in tourist attractions. There are many kinds of ice creams. Some of it are not sold in Japan. This left picture, For example, its flavor is famous in New Zealand, it is pity that you cannot eat it in Japan. Small grains of maple are in vanilla ice cream. It looks delicious, isn’t it??
New Zealand is number five country exports cheeses in the world. New Zealand has more than 30 companies make only cheese, and they export it to hotels or airports. They have more than 200 kinds of cheese. How many cheeses’s name can you say? Cheddar, Camembert, Edam, blue cheese … so many kinds!

Butter is famous in New Zealand. Many foreigners buy butters or butter cookies as souvenir for their family or friends.
Milk is sold in New Zealand is relatively cheaper than Japanese ones. One liter is about 50 cent. Famous coffee is Flat White. It looks like cappuccino and athers coffee, but it is not same. The ratio of espresso to milk is 2 to 1. You ca
nnot drink it in the others countries. . Some shops give you a special Flat White have pretty picture like a heart or a tree.

Wine Festival in Beaune

I will introduce events are held during a wine festival in beaune. First of all, I introduce the most important event; an auction of wines. It is the most famous wine auction in the world. A lot of relatives of wine get together in this auction. If you have a lucky, you can see it. Wines which are put up for the auction are made by strict process. For example,buyers visit wine forms in winter. New wine trees are born in spring. People pick up grapes in fall.
People celebrate a mass at a church and thanks the god for ripe grapes. After it, people who wear folk costume or noble dress start to parade.
During this festival, there are a lot of stands sell various food in the town. Because they say that the Bourgogn is the delicious food’s region, I certain that you can enjoy eating foods as well. For example, hot red wine, boiled sausages, delicious cheese, bacon and so on. In especially, I recommend that you try to eat a piece of cheese is made of goat milk. You cannot eat it in Japan.
You can get opportunity of tasting wines. More than 500 special guests include peoples who get award are invited to festival. Some special guests bring some wines from their wine cellar, and wines flow like water. People can taste it.
There are other events. For example, a welcome ceremony of a wine knighthood, a performance of horns, clown performances, a puppet sow and so on. You can enjoy various events.
The Gaensenhauen

There is also event for children. A pole which is about 15 meter and 20 diameter stand next to stage of cutting neck. There are presents on top of the pole. Children clime up the pole and get a present. Of course, there are some children cannot clime up. It has begun since the year 1980.Children who have lanterns are made of turnip like jack-o-lantern
and parade with music in the town late in evening. After the parade, children who took part in the parade are invited to the dinner.
There are many stands of food in the festival. Such as stands sells goose’s bakeries and goose’s cakes and so on. Application deadline date of participation is November 9.How about join the festival?

Have you ever experienced deja vu?? “ If deja vu was warning from past.” “If deja vu was a message which predict what will happen in the future” This movie deals with strange experience, Deja Vu.
The Deja Vu is directed by Tony Scott. Producer is Jerry Bruckheimer who is a famous direcctor. He have produced Pirate Of Caribbean and Armageddon. The movie was produce in America in 2006s. Denzel Washington played the part of Doug Carlin. He havs awarded some leading actore prizes. He is around as one of the greatest movie stars in Hollywood.

Story is very interesting. I will introduce the story to you. The big ferry exploded. 543 passengers ware killed of the explosion. Doug Carlin who is expert investigator of ATF investigates the incident. He finds a woman who has been dead in sea . He realizes she is not killed of the explosion, but murder because the body was discovered before the explosion. He goes to her house. It is very strange that he finds his fingerprint in her room. Whey? He has never been to her room. After his research, the authority which investigates the incident welcomes him. The authority has a great device show wherever people want to see. But it is not perfect. It has faults that people can see the only sight happened 4 days ago. And they cannot see it twice. The authority and he investigates the ferry incident by the device. Doug knows that the woman is key of the incident. He decides to observe her until the incident happen. He arrests a terrorist who exploded the ferry. But victims never come back. Finally he decides to go to past by the device for saving her and a lot of passengers. It is very dangerous. He may die of impact. He tries to it and…..
Deja Vu has a lot of mystery, and in addition, it is difficult to understand timelines. If you like suspense movies, I am sure that you can enjoy watching this movie. You may feel happy when you find keywords of mystery. You can enjoy reading a riddle. Please, watch it!
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